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OpenSAND new release 6.1.0

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Hi OpenSAND community,

We are happy to announce the new release 6.1.0 of the OpenSAND satellite emulator before Christmas!

This new version includes the following updates:

  • Added support for ubuntu 22.04 (jammy).
  • The satellite can work again on regenerative mode. We have recovered the regenerative satellite (at different levels) with a new design and a modular approach. The satellite can now work on transparent mode, on IP-regenerative mode and on BBFRAME-regenerative mode.
  • OpenSAND has evolved to allow for a satellite constellation (up to two satellites, as of now) and an emulated Inter-satellite Link (ISL) with a variable delay between the satellites.

The documentation of the new functionalities is available here

In addition to the standard way to use OpenSAND, remember that you can use an example of an OpenSAND deployment to be executed by means of the test bench OpenBACH [1]. This example is available in openbach-extra, and you need to previously install OpenBACH and openbach-extra [2].

We will be glad to get your feedback on our mailing list [3] and bug reports on the bugtracker [4].

[1] The OpenBACH website and project
[2] The openbach-extra project
[3] The OpenSAND mailing list
[4] The OpenSAND bugtracker

Kind Regards,

The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND new release 6.0.1

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Thursday, 19 May 2022

Hi all,

The minor release of OpenSAND 6.0.1 is now available.

This version fixes the following behaviours:

  • SCPC now properly uses the ACM loop
  • SCPC does not crash anymore when GSE encapsulation fails
  • QoS now properly observe strict priority

Send us your feedback on our mailing list [1] and bug reports on the bugtracker [2].

[1] The OpenSAND mailing list
[2] The OpenSAND bugtracker


The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND new release 6.0.0

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Thursday, 14 April 2022

Hi OpenSAND community,

We are excited to make two major announcements:

  • OpenSAND has moved to GitHub! [1]
  • The new release OpenSAND 6.0.0 is now available with a dedicated web interface!

This version brings in the following changes:

  • A new web interface that replaces the manager and that allows to:
    • Create the OpenSAND configuration.
    • Deploy the configuration and start/stop the OpenSAND binaries (STs, GWs et SAT).
    • Monitor the status of the binaries.
  • The daemons are not anymore available and the network configuration is now external to OpenSAND, but we provide several solutions:
    • A manual and easy-to-use makefiles allowing to do a simple setup from CLI [2]
    • Different makefiles are available in order to configure/clean your network topology for different use-cases (IP/Ethernet with/without VLAN and with QoS mapping).
  • Implementation of a SARP learning mechanism given that for full-Ethernet use-cases, work-stations MAC addresses are needed in the SARP table.
  • Bug correction on the ACM loop (concerning the MODCOD selection).
  • Minor bug correction on the VBDC algorithm.

In addition to the standard way to use OpenSAND, we have added an example of an OpenSAND deployment to be executed by means of the test bench OpenBACH [3]. This example is available in the example executors [4], and you need to previously install OpenBACH and openbach-extra [5].

We will be glad to get your feedback on our mailing list [6] and bug reports on the bugtracker [7].

[1] The OpenSAND repository
[2] CLI network configuration
[3] The OpenBACH website and project
[4] The example executors in openbach-extra
[5] The openbach-extra project
[6] The OpenSAND mailing list
[7] The OpenSAND bugtracker

Kind Regards,

The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND new release 5.2.0

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Friday, 29 April 2020

Hi everybody,

We are happy to announce that the new release of OpenSAND v5.2.0 is now available!!

This version includes the following updates:

  • Improved network integration (new interfaces bridge/tap).
  • New logs/stats collection system with improved design and performances.
  • New OpenSAND collector based on open-source databases (InfluxDB/ElasticSearch) and dashboards (Chronograf and Kibana).

In addition to the standard way to use OpenSAND (with daemon, collector and manager), we have added an example of an OpenSAND deployment with a very simple setup from CLI (less network intrusive): available in the OpenSAND wiki

Be careful if you use OpenSAND with the test bench OpenBACH [1], the OpenSAND jobs have been updated.

We will be glad to get your feedback on our mailing list [2] and bug reports on the bugtracker [3].

[1] The OpenBACH website
[2] The OpenSAND mailing list
[3] The OpenSAND bugtracker

Best Regards,

The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND new release 5.1.2

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Friday, 5 April 2019

Hi all,

The minor release of OpenSAND 5.1.2 is now available.

This version is compatible with the new version of OpenBACH 2.0.0 [1].

Send us your feedback on our mailing list [2] and bug reports on the bugtracker [3].

[1] The OpenBACH website
[2] The OpenSAND mailing list
[3] The OpenSAND bugtracker


The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND new release 5.1.1

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Monday, 28 January 2019

Hi all,

The minor release of OpenSAND 5.1.1 is now available.

This version fixes two bugs:

  • The sending of float probes to the collector of the OpenBACH test bench
  • The deletion of the PID file of the daemon

Send us your feedback on our mailing list [1] and bug reports on the bugtracker [2].

[1] The OpenSAND mailing list
[2] The OpenSAND bugtracker


The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND new release 5.1.0

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Hi all,

The release of OpenSAND 5.1.0 is now available.

This version contains mainly these updates:

  • Improve interconnection between access gateway and physical gateway
  • Refactor the physical layer block
  • Replace service id by platform name
  • Various other bugfixes and improvements

Be careful if you use OpenSAND with the test bench OpenBACH [1], the OpenSAND jobs have been updated.

We will be glad to get your feedback on our mailing list [2] and bug reports on the bugtracker [3].

[1] The OpenBACH website
[2] The OpenSAND mailing list
[3] The OpenSAND bugtracker


The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND new major release 5.0.0

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Thursday, 15 February 2018

Hi all,

The release of OpenSAND 5.0.0 is now available.

This version contains mainly these updates:

  • Add DVB-RCS2 support
  • Add RLE encapsulation support
  • Add external output collector support
  • Add OpenBACH support (Collector and Jobs)
  • Fix Rohc v2.1 compatibility
  • Fix minor bugs

A novelty of this version is its compatibility with the OpenBACH testbench [1].

We will be glad to get your feedback on our mailing list [2] and bug reports on the bugtracker [3].

[1] The OpenBACH website
[2] The OpenSAND mailing list
[3] The OpenSAND bugtracker

Best Regards,

The OpenSAND team.

OpenSAND new release 4.2.0

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Friday, 21 July 2017

Hi all,

The release of OpenSAND 4.2.0 is now available.

This version is focused on stability and contains these updates:

  • Add variable delay for each terminal and gateway
  • Fix RTT bug
  • Fix the multi-carrier in regenerative mode
  • Fix routes management
  • Fix probes bugs

We will be glad to get your feedback on our mailing list [1] and bug reports on the bugtracker [2].

[1] The OpenSAND mailing list
[2] The OpenSAND bugtracker


The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND new release 4.1.0

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Thursday, 22 December 2016

Hi all,

The release of OpenSAND 4.1.0 is now available.

This version contains mainly these updates:

  • Add Ubuntu 16.04 LTS support
  • Improve packaging to support multiple distributions
  • Fix C++ 11 incompatibilies
  • Improve GSE plugin performance
  • Add the capability to split gateway into physical and access gateways
  • Review debian packages dependencies
  • Various other bugfixes and improvements

We will be glad to get your feedback on our mailing list [1] and bug reports on the bugtracker [2].

[1] The OpenSAND mailing list
[2] The OpenSAND bugtracker

Wishing you all a merry Christmas.


The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND new major release 4.0.0

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Hi all,

Some big news for this release of OpenSAND 4.0.0.

First of all, we moved from Launchpad to a new platform, Net4Sat [1], owned by the CNES and dedicated to network research on satellite communications.

The OpenSAND website [2] has been updated consequently, you will get all the information you need to get the sources and report bugs on the Net4Sat gitlab [3], to join the mailing list or to install the last version.

This version contains mainly these updates:

  • add SCPC access on return link
  • add multi-spot support
  • add multi-GW support
  • add support for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • add a new interface for resources management
  • rework MODCOD handling

This version contains a lot of new and tricky elements, we will be glad to get your feedback on our new mailing list [4] and bug reports on the bugtracker [5].

[1] The Net4Sat forge website
[2] The OpenSAND website
[3] The OpenSAND gitlab
[4] The OpenSAND mailing list
[5] The OpenSAND bugtracker

Wishing you all a merry Christmas.

Best Regards,

The OpenSAND team.

OpenSAND new release 3.1.0

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Oh oh oh,

This Christmas, the OpenSAND team offers you the 3.1.0 release of the platform !

This version contains mainly:

  • the Slotted Aloha support on return link
  • an improved forward scheduling with multi-QoS and VCM support
  • a server that allows controlling OpenSAND through a simple interface
  • many interface and configuration improvements.

As usual, we would be glad to get your feedback on the mailing list or bugtracker.

The packages should soon be available on our repository.

The OpenSAND team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.


The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND new major release 3.0.0

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Hi all,

After nearly one year of development, OpenSAND 3.0.0 is finally released.

Many parts have been reworked and improved, especially DAMA and logging. Moreover, we expect this version to be more user friendly.

The stable packages can be installed thanks to the OpenSAND repository, and the sources can be downloaded on Launchpad.

We also added a repository containing nightly packages.

All the useful information about how to use the repositories is available in the wiki.

We spent some time testing this release but you may still encounter some bugs. We will appreciate any feedback on the mailing list or bug reports.

Please visit for further information.


The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND major release 2.0.0

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Friday, 14 June 2013

Hi all,

We are glad to announce a new OpenSAND major release !

You can find information and download the 2.0.0 version on

This new version fixes some bugs from the 1.0.0 release and brings some major modifications:

  • runtime library (Margouilla) replacement by a new library, supporting multithread (see [1])
  • Ethernet support with 802.1Q and 802.1ad extensions
  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (and equivalent) support
  • 64 bits support

We also add a repository on to simplify the OpenSAND installation.

To use this repository you can read the dedicated section on the wiki.

This is a new major release, we spent some time testing it but you may still encounter some bugs. We will appreciate any feedback on the mailing list or bug reports.

[1] opensand-rt design


The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND major release 1.0.0

by OpenSAND team

Posted on Thursday, 13 December 2012

Hi all,

OpenSAND 1.0.0 is now released !

You can find information and download the last version on

This new version corrects some bugs from the 0.9.0 release and brings two major modifications:

  • environment plane replacement with a more efficient version (see [1])
  • (experimental) physical layer support (see [2])

This version is not compatible with the 0.9.x versions, especially the configuration part. If you wish to use the new version with old scenarios please contact us for support.

This is a new major release, we spent some time testing it but you may still encounter some bugs. We will appreciate any feedback on the mailing list or bug reports. The physical layer support is for testing purpose at the moment.

[1] environment plane design [2] physical layer design:


The OpenSAND team

OpenSAND live release

by OpenSAND team maintainers

Posted on Monday, 17 September 2012

The first version of the OpenSAND live image is now released ! You will now be able to test the OpenSAND platform by booting directly from a CD or USB key, without any modification to your installed OS.

The download link and some information on how to use or generate the image are available on the wiki.

Feel free to send feedback on the mailing list to help us improving it and adding new functionalities.


OpenSAND team maintainers

OpenSAND in the SOCIS program

by OpenSAND team maintainers

Posted on Friday, 20 July 2012

We are glad to announce that OpenSAND has been accepted into SOCIS program.

SOCIS is a summer of code run by ESA for space-related open source software projects.

We are now waiting for student applications.


OpenSAND team maintainers

Welcome to OpenSAND Community

by OpenSAND team maintainers

Posted on Friday, 29 June 2012

Welcome to OpenSAND Community,

OpenSAND, formerly known as Platine, is a user-friendly and efficient tool to emulate satellite communication systems. It provides a suitable and simple means for performance evaluation and innovative access and network techniques validation. Its ability to interconnect real equipments with real applications provides excellent demonstration means.

This platform has been initially developped by Thales Alenia Space in the frame of IST european projects, R&T CNES studies and internal research. It has been also promoted by CNES (French Space Center) as a open-source reference software tool for use within its R&D activities in the domain of satellite communication systems and networks.

Please consult OpenSAND web site for more information.

Don't hesitate also to ask questions and raise problems on the mailing list, composed of all openSAND interested people.


OpenSAND team maintainers

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